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PIXMA MX490 Wireless Inkjet Office All-In-One MX490 Wireless Office All-In-One Printer Power Cord FINE Cartridges Setup CD-ROM Telephone Line Cable Manuals … PS:Canon PIXMA MX490是国外型号等同于国内的MX498型号,下载驱动名MX498.exe是正确的,放心使用。 下载地址: 点击进入下载页-> WINXP/WIN7/WIN10驱动【32位/64位】 Print from more locations than ever with the MX490 thanks to outstanding connectivity options and the ability to place the printer more places than ever with it?s 30% reduction in size over previous MX models. 佳能Canon PIXMA MX490 驅動程式下載 by DriversCN • 21.07.2017 驅動程式 For Windows 10, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 7 Vista XP (32 位元 / 64 位元) 说明书: MX490 series XPS Printer Driver for Canon PIXMA MX494 This is an advanced printer driver. XPS printer drivers supports 16-bits per color (bpc) printing, which enables more smooth gradation printing than the current drivers (8-bpc printing). Obtain more with the Canon PIXMA MX490 Wireless Office Printer/Copier/Scanner/ Facsimile Machine. Publish from even more locations than ever with the MX490 with its outstanding connection options. With Google Cloud Publish and also AirPrint, you can publish wirelessly from a suitable smart device or tablet computer from essentially anywhere around the workplace. The wireless all-in-one […] 11.05.2015

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Print from more locations than ever with the MX490 thanks to outstanding connectivity options and the ability to place the printer more places than ever with it?s  MP620最初附带一张安装光盘,允许您在计算机上安装驱动程序,但如果您没有光盘,您仍然可以通过从佳能网站下载驱动程序来安装驱动程序。从Canon下载驱动  Canon reserves all relevant title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the Content. You may download and use the Content solely for your personal, non-  会使用“隔空打印”连接到打印机或自动下载打印机的软件(也称为打印机驱动程序)。 方法是查看Apple 支持文章:适用于Mac 的打印机和扫描仪驱动程序。 的打印机类型广泛,包括Aurora、Brother、Canon、Dell、Epson、Fuji、Hewlett 

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Manuel en ligne - MX490 series - MX491, MX492, MX494, MX495, MX496, MX497, MX498, MX499. Vous pouvez consulter le guide d'utilisation de votre produit. 線上手冊 - MX490 series - MX491、MX492、MX494、MX495、MX496、MX497、MX498、MX499. 可以查看產品的說明手冊。 01.03.2017 Scannen. Scannen über den Computer; Scannen über das Bedienfeld des Geräts

Canon PIXMA MX494 驱动程序 - DriversCollection.com

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